Wholesaler distributor of brand-name perfumes based in Miami, FL.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are in the U.S., you need to provide Tax Id, company name, address, and phone number. If you are an outside the U.S. you don’t need to provide a Tax Id, the company name, address and phone number will suffice.

  1. First you need to register here.
  2. Then, download the Wholesaler Price List in Excel.
  3. Input the quantities next to the products that you want, and save the Excel document (Do NOT edit any other parts of the document).
  4. Finally, upload the document on the contact us page. Alternatively, you may send an e-mail to sales@worldwideperfumesllc.com with the document attached.
  5. We will reply to you (within 24 business hours) with the best prices based on your order along with the instructions for the payment.

At this moment we only accept Wire Transfers.

We currently do not accept Credit Cards.

No, shipping costs are additional to the product prices.

The Wholesaler Price List and the Order Form are the same Excel document. Just create an account, and you will be able to access it.

The list is updated twice a day.

The minimum order amount is $10,000 and 12 pieces per item.

At this time, we do not offer drop-shipping services.